I first went (after encountering the Adra Dragon and choosing the required dialogue options) and did the dragon's quest but didn't kill Falanroen, for which she was thankful (I would hope) and rewarded me with the Scale-Breaker Talent, It's a good debuff and can help in defeating her. I'll let people know what I did, so if anyone has a hard time dealing with her then reading how I proceeded to utterly destrot her might help :) So I was surprised when I found her pretty easy with the strategy I used. It contains several pieces of unique equipment and a few thousand copper.So I read people thought the Adra Dragon was difficult. In the northeastern corner is the dragon's hoard, which can be accessed when The Master Below is complete.In this case, your life will be a bit easier if you dispatch the Xaurip first. If you continue to the south-east before completing the quest, ignoring a warning, you will encounter two Xaurip Champions, and the Adra Dragon will be drawn into the battle, terminating the quest.If you offered to help the dragon, turn back, and see The Master Below for the remainder of this quest.Otherwise, you will fight a very tough battle with her and some other creatures.This grants a significant amount of XP, and begins the fight with the dragon. She agrees you are strong, and will be an interesting soul once joined to the chorus. you tell the dragon she will die if she fights you. For this purpose, you get The Dragon's Amulet (also referred to as an Adra dragon scale). You can offer to help her leave, by transferring her soul to another vessel.With Perception 16, you can learn that eventually the Adra in the giant statue will run out, and she will die.You can converse with it to learn that she entered as a hatchling, and has absorbed the souls of those who died here since, and is also feeding off the giant statue. Proceeding to the center of this map, you encounter an Adra Dragon - the Master Below.The area to the south-west of this point is empty. A scripted interaction allows you to climb down these safely if everyone in your party has at least 5 in the Athletics skill, otherwise they will be afflicted by a Twisted Ankle. Then to the south-east, you will encounter a set of ruined steps.

Heading towards the center of the area, you will see the feet of the giant statue whose head you found near the top level.These are of no interest except for their loot. In an area at the south-west corner are 2 Xaurip Skirmishers, 2 Xaurip Champions, and a Xaurip High Priest.Down another set of steps to the south on the west side are 3 Xaurip. More glowing portals contain loot, mainly gems. Further to the south-east you will battle a Xaurip, a Xaurip Champion, and a Xaurip High Priest.Unless you are moving very stealthily, 3 Xaurip will attack you here. At this point, there are some glowing portals/vents containing gems. From where you enter, you have to travel north-east to a short set of stairs, then south-east.Sealed away for two millennia by Od Nua's power, it became the safe domain of one of the most powerful creatures in all of Eora: the adra dragon Sefyra. Situated over a well of souls created by the confluence of adra veins that then pass on into the heart of the world, this is the deepest level of the Endless Paths, where the construction of the great titan of Od Nua began.